SkillsUSA Minnesota’s VISION:
SkillsUSA Minnesota is recognized by business and government as the premier organization providing highly skilled leaders possessing outstanding technical, academic and employability skills. Our high school and college membership exceeds 50,000 annually.
SkillsUSA Minnesota’s MISSION:
SkillsUSA Minnesota creates opportunities for students, educators and business. This is accomplished through leadership training, volunteerism opportunities, competitions and conferences, which enhance students’ self-worth and employability skills to create a seamless transition into the workforce.
SkillsUSA Minnesota’s VALUES:
The SkillsUSA Minnesota mission is built upon – and its success depends on – the commitment of our members and partners to the following values:
- Trust
- Honesty
- Service
- Accountability
- Respect
- Responsibility
- Loyalty
- Being Standards Driven
SkillsUSA Minnesota is one of the Career & Technical Student Organizations offered in Minnesota’s school system. SkillsUSA serves high school and college students enrolled in technical, skilled, service and health occupations. BPA, DECA/DEX, FFA, PAS, FCCLA, HOSA, & HERO serve other areas.
SkillsUSA is part of a national organization that serves nearly half a million student members annually, organized into more than 17,000 chapters and 50 state and 3 territorial associations (including Puerto Rico, Guam and the Virgin Islands). The Minnesota Association has offered leadership opportunities to over 250,000 student members since 1967, with a current annual membership of over 1,200. There are chapters in 26 technical or community colleges and 41 high schools or cooperative centers, with potential to serve many more. SkillsUSA Minnesota is governed by a Board of Directors, elected from teachers that advise local chapters, and representing both the high school and college divisions and industry representatives. All programs are offered as integral to the curriculum. Business and industry leaders play a vital part in the SkillsUSA program. These leaders assure that career and technical training programs stay current and meet industry technical standards. They volunteer to speak to students about their industry or job seeking & keeping skills, they design the hands-on skill competitions, provide teacher in-service on new products and equipment, and donate supplies and equipment for student use in the school setting.
SkillsUSA is an applied method of preparing Minnesota’s high performance workers in career and technical education programs. It provides quality education experiences for students in leadership, teamwork, citizenship and character development. It builds and reinforces self-confidence, work attitudes and communication skills. It emphasizes total quality at work, high ethical standards, superior work skills, life-long education, and pride in the dignity of work. We promote understanding of the free enterprise system and involvement in community service.
Students form local chapters through their high school or college. Chapters are run by student members with advice and assistance from local teachers. SkillsUSA provides opportunities to learn the correct way to hold a productive business meeting. Students are encouraged to hold office or join committees to accomplish a local program of work designed and planned by its current members. Suggested items for a program of work include: professional development, community service, public relations, employment information, skill competitions, finances or fund raising, and social activities. Student leaders represent their school chapter at state and national level conferences.
In addition to local chapter activities, we offer annual state conferences to assist in the development of student's employability, participatory and quality skills, and a chance to try out new skills in a safe environment.
FALL STATE LEADERSHIP TRAINING CONFERENCE - The Fall leadership training conference brings students together from across the state, divides them into chapter work groups with students of other ages, other skill areas, and from other schools. Attendees complete a full year of typical chapter activities in four days. Students learn first hand what team skills and responsibility are all about. They work together, under stress, to complete all of the requirements while drawing from the talents of participants, dealing with personality conflicts, taking risks in new situation, practicing speaking and presentation skills, all while having fun.
DELEGATE ASSEMBLY - Shortly after the leadership institute, members become part of a democratic process that allows them to elect state level officers for the organization. Students are encouraged to run for state office or be part of a campaign team for a state officer candidate. Professional development sessions that promote goal setting, team management and employability skills are provided.
SKILLSUSA MINNESOTA CHAMPIONSHIPS - In the spring, approximately 400 business and industry leaders get together and present nearly 80 skill and leadership contests that they have prepared for the student members from across the state. These are entry-level, hands-on skill contests, evaluated by the same industry leaders who prepare them. The competitions are based on industry driven occupational skill standards. Industry donates many thousands of dollars in prizes in the form of scholarships, tools, reference manuals and training aids for winners and their schools. Business partners work throughout the school year to plan the competitive events and many of them hire their new employees right off the competition floor. These past three years at our recent State Conference our Business/ Industry partners donated over $1.5 Million dollars to our students or their schools in prizes and scholarships.
NATIONAL LEADERSHIP AND SKILLSUSA CHAMPIONSHIPS CONFERENCE - Winners of the state skill contests go on to a national level competition. Industry has donated over $35 Million over the last two years in equipment, supplies and support to offer 96 contests to 5,600 students from across the USA.
WORLD SKILL CONTESTS – SkillsUSA is the USA representative to the WSC. Minnesota has had many students who were offered the opportunity to try out in the international trials in various skill areas. Our Team USA successes show that our educational system is very competitive internationally as well.
General and Leadership Events:
American Spirit Award * Occupational Health & Safety *
Career Display Opening and Closing Ceremony * (team of 7)
Chapter Business Procedure * (team of 7) Outstanding Chapter *
Chapter Display * Prepared Speech *
Construction Blueprint Reading Promotional Bulletin Board *
Extemporaneous Speaking * Related Technical Mathematics *
Job Interview * Safety
Machine Trades Blueprint Reading Tool and Equipment Identification
Mechanics Dexterity Trade Mathematics
Quiz Bowl * (team of 5)
Skill Events:
3-D Visualization and Animation * (team of 2)
Action Skills *
Internetworking *
Advertising Design *
Job Skill Demonstration A *
Architectural Drafting *
Job Skill Demonstration Open *
Audio Production *
Major Appliance Technology *
Automated Manufacturing Technology * (team of 3)
Marine Service Technology *
Automotive Refinishing Technology*
Masonry *
Automotive Service Technology *
Mechatronics * (team of 2)
Aviation Maintenance Technology *
Medical Assisting *
Basic Health Care Skills *
Medical Math? *
Broadcast News Production*
Medical Terminology *
Building Maintenance *
Motorcycle Service Technology *
Cabinetmaking *
Nail Care *
Carpentry *
Nurse Assisting *
CNC Milling Technology*
Photography *
CNC Turning Technology*
Pin Design? *
Collision Repair Technology *
Plumbing *
Commercial Baking *
Power Equipment Technology *
Computer Maintenance Technology *
Practical Nursing *
Computer Programming *
Precision Machining Technology *
Cosmetology *
Preschool Teaching Assistant *
Crime Scene Investigation*
Principles of Technology *
Criminal Justice *
Residential Wiring *
Culinary Arts *
Residential Systems Installation & Maintenance *
Customer Service *
Robotics and Automation Technology * (team of 2)
Dental Assisting *
Screen Printing Technology *
Diesel Equipment Technology *
Sheet Metal *
Electronics Technology *
Snowmobile Service Technology
Employment Application Process ?*
Team Works * (team of 4)
Engineering Technology? *
Tech Prep Showcase *
Entrepreneurship *
Technical Computer Applications *
Esthetics *
Technical Drafting *
Firefighting *
Telecommunications Cabling *
First Aid/CPR *
Television (Video) Production * (team of 2)
Food & Beverage Service *
Video Product Development * (team of 2)
Graphic Communications *
Web Design * (team of 2)
Health Knowledge Bowl *
(team of 4) Welding *
Health Occupations Professional Portfolio *
Welding Fabrication * (team of 3)
Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration *
Industrial Motor Control *
*Indicates a national level competition is available
Demonstration Contests: Mobile Electronics Installation?, T- shirt Design, Welding Art Sculpture